CRSP/Compustat merged Database

The Center for Research of Security Prices (CRSP) provides a unique database with financial data on publicly listed companies in the US. It includes data on over 32,000 active (and inactive) major American companies. The database includes financial metrics like balance sheet data (Compustat) and market data like stock prices, returns, and trading volume (CRSP).

For more details about CRSP/Compustat see

An overview of the characteristics of the database is also provided by TIB  .

The license of the faculty of economics and management for CRSP/Compustat data does not provide real-time financial data, but is updated annually by CRSP and quarterly by Compustat.

The included data is made available for individual download via the LUH-based Project Seafile. Feel free to contact Florian Sckade with any questions or comments.

Please fill out the application form here:

Application for use of CRSP/Compustat merged Database

Persönliche Daten (Personal Information)

Die Nutzung der CRSP/Compustat merged Database ist gebunden an dessen Lizensierung an die Leibniz Universität Hannover. Die Lizensierung gilt bis zum Ende des Kalenderjahres. Nach Ablauf der Lizenz müssen alle lokalen Kopien genutzter Daten geöscht werden. Darüber hinaus ist eine Weitergabe an Dritte nicht gestattet. Nutzende der CRSP/Compustat merged Database müssen diese Vereinbarung einhalten.

Prüfung der Nutzungsvereinbarung*
Es gelten unsere Datenschutzhinweise.