Institute for Banking and Finance Teaching Seminars Master (en)
Seminar Profile Banking and Finance (374000)

Seminar Banking and Finance (374000)

Seminar Profile

General Details
Title Seminar Banking and Finance
Course code(s) 374000
Offered WiSe 2024/2025
Course availability WiSe
General Topic Capital Market Research
Target group / area (Zuordnung)

MSc WiWi PO 2018; MSc WiIng PO 2018: Area Finance, Banking & Insurance (Major and Minor)

Number of participants 20
Course language German or English
Location Internal seminar
Industry partner No
Timetable Block event
Completion of term paper During the term
Requirements and Support
Objectives In this empirically oriented seminar, students work on capital market-related questions independently with the help of numerical software (e.g. R or Stata). Subsequently, the results are evaluated economically and presented scientifically.
Prerequisites BWL III
Introductory course to academic research An introduction to scientific work at the Institute for Banking and Finance and Programming in R is mandatory. This takes place after the binding registration. Depending on the Corona situation, it will probably also take place online in winter term 2020/2021. Further information will be announced during the introductory event.
Formal guidelines Guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers are available in Stud.IP.
General literature Brooks, C. (2014). Introductory econometrics for finance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Basic literature to introduce each topic Yes
Methodology An empirical research, a case or a simulation study.
Specialised software R / Matlab or similar statistical software
Recommended word processing software LaTeX  / MS Word 
Page count 12 (group of 2), 14 (group of 3), 17 (group of 4)
Meeting(s) to discuss outline Multiple possible
Performance requirements / Evaluation

Attendance during presentation session is required, consists of a written part and a presentation performance

Examiner Prof. Dr. Dierkes
Contact person M.Sc. Oliver Budras
Group Assignments and Topics
Group work Required
Group size 2 - 3
Group formation Based on preferences of the students, allocation by the institute
Topics The topics will be announced at a presentation event. Further information can be found in Stud.IP.
Topic allocation Based on preferences
Type of advance registration PDF-Form sent per E-Mail (Form available in Stud.IP)
Pre-registration / Application No pre-registration required. Make sure to join the Stud.IP-course for this seminar to receive updates and new information on dates.
Kick-Off-Meeting probably CW 42
Topic assignment probably CW 43
Binding registration end of CW 43
Commencement of seminar paper probably CW 44
Submission of seminar paper Six weeks after commencement
Submission of presentation

latest 1 day before date of presentation

Presentation Probably CW 51. Precise date follows soon after the start of the seminar.